Friday, February 8, 2008

cazzi tuoi

the italians, between periods of living in garbage, say 'cazzi tuoi'. literally it means, 'your balls'. in english we say 'sucks for you'. yeah. cazzi miei. i wonder what they say in japanese? actually they probably don't say it; being japanese they live it. try this! drive your car into a little river. stand next to it, in the snow. watch people drive by, drive by, drive by. they all look at the car, look at you and then break eye contact and pretend like you don't exist. cazzi tuoi, motherfucker. yeah. hey japan. fuck you dude! you guys are so polite, except when you are a bunch of fucks. fucking borg, except instead of flying around absorbing others, you just want to go shopping and melt your brains with television. oh yeah, and work way to many hours a day at jobs you can't like. yeah... japan...
now if someone KNOWS you, hell they will help you out no problem! but 'good samaritans?' i have yet to meet a japanese person whom i could describe using that cliche expression. good samaritan means someone who helps a stranger. ain't happening here, unless you put pressure on someone to help you.
a japanese person tried to explain to me: "jason it's because, well, they couldn't pull your car out of the river!" yeah. i know that. but they could slow down, roll the window down, and find out if someone is in trouble. they could offer to call the police. i understand that a society can function without that, but i'm from a place where, if your car falls off the world, and you stand in one spot long enough, some loud mouthed motherfucker stops and say, "HEY BUDDY, YOU ALRIGHT?!"

yeah! yeah, i'm alright! i didn't break anything. thanks though, yeah.. yeah i have a cell phone here, yeah thanks for the offer. no,, yeah.. yeah you're the fourth person to offer in the last ten minutes, no man, thanks. thanks! bye!"


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